Item Predicate
Item Predicate is used to determine what items can and cannot go into a chest.
Data Object
Count / count
/ IntBounds
/ IntBoundsCount refers to how much of the item that can be in the incoming stack, but however this is not really useful as they can just seperate it into multiple stacks and put them in different times.
Note: Defaulted to accept any amount.
Durability / durability
/ IntBounds
/ IntBoundsDurability refers to how much durability the item has, but like count kind of useless.
Note: Defaulted to accept any durability.
NBT / nbt
/ String
/ StringNBT refers to a string of nbt that it will match the item to.
Note: Defaulted to accept any NBT.
Items / items
/ String[]
/ String[]Items refers to a list of strings that are of the item ids. This one is the one you will likely use most often and is used in the default mod for dirt chest.
Note: Defaulted to accept any item id.
Tag / tag
/ String
/ StringTag refers to an item tag that is allowed in the chest.
Note: Defaulted to accept item that is in any tag.
Potion / potion
/ String
/ StringPotion refers to a potion id that the item should have to be allowed.
Note: Defaulted to accept item with any potion effect.
Enchants / enchantments
/ EnchantmentPredicate[]
/ EnchantmentPredicate[]Enchantment refers to a list of enchantment predicate objects to be checked for the item to be allowed.
Note: Defaulted to accept item with any enchantments.
Stored Enchants / stored_enchantments
/ EnchantmentPredicate[]
/ EnchantmentPredicate[]Stored Enchantment refers to a list of enchantment predicate objects to be checked for the item to be allowed.
Note: Defaulted to accept item with any stored enchantments.
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